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Washington-DC Team (2020-2023)



Julio Bermudez, Ph.D.

School of Architecture and Planning

The Catholic University of America


Research Associate Professor

Yoshio Nakamura, Ph.D.

Pain Research Center

Dept. Anesthesiology

University of Utah

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Mohamad Z. Koubeissi, MD

Department of Neurology,

Epilepsy Center

George Washington University

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Thomas Beaudoin, Ph.D.

Graduate School of Religion

and Religious Education

Fordham University

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Associate Professor

Lin-Ching Chang, Ph.D.

Department of Electric Engineering and Computer Science

The Catholic University of America

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Ann Sussman, R.A.

The Human Architecture + Planning Institute Inc.

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Senior Researcher

Alexandros Lavdas, Ph.D.

Institute for Biomedicine,

Affiliated Insitute of the
of Lübeck, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy

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Assistant Professor

Robin Z. Puttock, AIA

College of Architecture and Construction Management

Kennesaw State University

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Research Assistant

Edward Trudeau

Department of Electric Engineering and Computer Science

Director of Planning & Institutional Research

The Catholic University of America

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Assistant Professor

Zakaria Djebbara, Ph.D.

Department of Architecture, Design, Media, and Technology

Aalborg University (Denmark)


Research Consultant

Madison Moore

Madison Spencer Architects

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Research Associate

Amir Ebadi

Dellustration Design


Research Assistant

Juliana Keagle

School of Architecture and Planning

The Catholic University of America

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Research Assistant

Matthew Zernis

School of Architecture and Planning

The Catholic University of America

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Research Assistant

Nick Dende

School of Architecture and Planning

The Catholic University of America


Research Consultant

Megan Davey

GTM Architects

Copyright © 2021-2025 by Julio Bermudez

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