Bermudez, Julio. (forthcoming) Presentation: “Neuroscience Research in Sacred Architecture,” graduate class directed by Prof. Davide Ruzzon, the 'Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design' (NAAD) Master Program, Università Iuav Venezia, Italy (May 8, 2025)
Niermann, Matthew. (forthcoming) Keynote Lecture: "Sacred Shift - A New American Protestant Architecture" at the Aspen Group national gathering. Washington, D.C. (April 14. 2025)
Niermann, Matthew. (forthcoming) Keynote Lecture: "Visual Poetics of Sacred Space" at Christianity Today's 'Inkwell' West Coast Gathering. Riverside, CA. (April 12, 2025)
Bermudez, Julio. (forthcoming) Lecture: “Investigando la Arquitectura Sagrada. Donde Ciencia y Religión se Encuentran en la Experiencia,” Doctoral Program, Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción, y Diseño, Universidad de Bío Bío, Concepción, Chile (April 2025)
Bermudez, Julio. (forthcoming) Webinar: “Architecture and Spirituality: Designing Places that Elevate the Human Experience,” hosted by the Habitarmonia Academy, Spain (March 11, 2025)
Niermann, Matthew. (forthcoming) Invited Lecture: "Transcendent Space & Humility,"at Baylor University. Waco, TX (March 4, 2025)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture “Empirically Probing the Architectural Immeasurable” followed by a Panel discussion on Measuring and Evaluating Mind and Space within the Space and Mind Colloquium, hosted by the Yale School of Architecture in New Haven, CT (February 17, 2025)
Bermudez, Julio. Participant in "Zoom Forum: A Dialogical Inquiry: Spirituality and Our Quiet Resolve - Essencing and Presencing Our Professing," moderated by Dr. Ian Wight and organized by the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Scotland, U (January 15, 2025)
Bermudez, Julio. Participant in the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Ritual and Spiritual Practices, hosted by Indiana University Psychology Lab in Los Angeles, CA (November 15-16), funded by the Templeton World Charities Foundation (November 15-16, 2024)
Bermudez, Julio. Keynote Lecture "Transcending Architecture – How Buildings Can Bring Us Home” at the AIA (CRAN) Symposium in Seattle, WA. (September 19, 2024)
Bermudez, Julio. Keynote Lecture "Neurofenomenología y Espacio Sagrado” at the Congreso Latinoamericano de Neuroarquitectura in Cordoba, Argentina. (August 21, 2024 -- Virtual)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture in the "The Ultimate Function of Architecture. Phenomenological and Scientific Inquiries” at the University of Texas San Antonio School of Architecture in San Antonio, TX. (March, 2024)
Bermudez, Julio. Panelist in the "Understanding Our Responses to Design" Panel at the Intentional Spaces Summit hosted by Johns Hopkins University's International Arts + Mind Lab in Washington, DC. (Nov. 9-10, 2023). URL of session available here.
Bermudez, Julio. Panelist in the "How Beauty Works" Panel moderated by Christine Emba (Washington Post), at the Beauty at Work International Symposium hosted by the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. (May 27, 2023) and funded by the Templeton Religion Trust.
Bermudez, Julio. Keynote Lecture “The Ultimate Function of Architecture. Phenomenological and Scientific Inquiries” at the Quality in Canada's Built Environment Annual Convention hosted by the University of Calgary in Calgary, Canada (May 1, 2023)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture “Uso de la Neurociencia y la Fenomenología para Investigar lo Arquitectónicamente Inconmensurable,” at the 3rd Latin-American Conference on Research in Architecture hosted by the Universidad de Piura in Piura, Peru (Aug. 18-19, 2022)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture “Neurofenomenología & Arquitectura Sagrada. Primeros Pasos,” Virtual International Seminar on Neurociencias Aplicadas a la Arquitectura y al Diseño, hosted by the Universidad de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina (Aug. 12, 2022)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture “Neurophenomenology & Sacred Architecture. First Steps” at the International Conference "Sound, Space and the Aesthetics of the Sublime” chaired by Jonathan Berger, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University (May 22, 2022)
Bermudez, Julio. Organizer and Participants of the Critical Conversation Project: “Transcendent Human Habitats,” one of three high profiles meetings of selected renowned panelists addressing today’s most relevant topics in architecture, culture, and spirituality. Organized by ACSF at Princeton’s Center of Theological Inquiry (April 21-23, 2022)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture"Neurophenomenological Study of Sacred vs. Secular Architecture," University Research Day, The Catholic University of America (April 7, 2022). Link to video of the presentation.
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture: "Arquitectura, Espiritualidad, y Neurociencia. Midiendo lo Inmedible," Graduate Program at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazi (March 17, 2022). YouTube link to the video of the Lecture.
Bermudez, Julio. Webinar: “Architecture Everywhere: Neuroscience & Spirituality,” AIA District Architecture Center, Washington, DC (November 30, 2021). YouTube link to the video of the lecture.
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture: “Neurofenomenología de lo Arquitectónicamente Trascendente: Midiendo lo Inmedible," Doctorado de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile (August 2, 2021)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture: “Hacia un Urbanismo Espiritual. Argumentos desde la Teoría y la Neurociencia," Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina (April 23, 2021)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture: “Cognitive-Aesthetic Effects of Sacred vs. Secular Architecture on Believers,” in Prof. Robin Puttok course (arpl 519: Human-Centric Evidence-Based Design for Wellbeing) at The Catholic University of America (March 25, 2021)
Bermudez, Julio. Lecture: “Extraordinary Architectural Experiences. From Storytelling to Neuroscience.” School of Architecture Fall Lecture series. California Baptist University (February 26, 2021)
Bermudez, Julio. Webinar: “A Search for Transcendent Built Environments,” with Nader Ardalan, Tom Barrie, Roberto Chiotti, and Tammy Gaber, and 5 international guests. Hosted by 2A Magazine, Tehran, Iran (December 12, 2020)
Barrie, Thomas, Julio Bermudez and Thomas Beaudoin (forthcoming 2026) “Spatial Justice and Spirituality,” in How Does Spatial Justice Manifest in the Built Environment?, edited by Adnan Morshed, Hoboken, NY: Wiley Publishing.
Bermudez Julio and Yoshio Nakamura (forthcoming 2025) “Neurophenomenology & Sacred Space,” in Handbook of Neuroscience and the Built Environment, edited by A. Lavdas, Ann Sussman and V. Woodworth, New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
Bermudez Julio and Yoshio Nakamura (forthcoming 2025) “Causes and Effects of Sacred vs. Secular Architecture. Toward an Experimental Theological Aesthetics,” in Art Seeking Understanding, edited by C. Brewer. Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans Publishing.
Sáez, Nicolas, Julio Bermúdez, Ignacio Bisbal Grandal, and Francisco Parada Flores. (in press) "Cámaras oscuras habitables creadas desde el arte contemporáneo: análisis comparativo de sus determinantes fenomenológicas," Revista 180 (Journal of Design and Architecture published by the Universidad Diego Portales, Chile)
Ardalan, Nader, Julio Bermudez, Prem Chandavarkar, Alison B. Snyder, and Philip Tabb. “Transcendent Architecture: A Pilot Study of Works, Conditions, and Practices (White Paper),” The Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Forum, January 2025. Article available here.
Bermudez, Julio, et al. “Semiotic and Phenomenological Study of Sacred Architecture Using Last-generation Eye-tracking Instrumentation in Real Conditions vs. AI-based Predictions.” Abstract and presentation at the 14th Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Symposium. Istanbul, Turkey (June 4-9, 2024). Paper available here
Djebbara, Zakaria, Juliet King, Amir Ebadi, Yoshio Nakamura, and Julio Bermudez. “Contemplative Neuroaesthetics and Architecture: A Sensorimotor Exploration,” Frontier of Architectural Research 13, no.1 (2024): 97-111, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2023.10.005
Bermudez, Julio, et al. “Applying Neurophenomenology to Investigate Responses to Sacred vs. Secular Architecture: An Exploratory Study.” In Presenters Abstracts of the 20th Anniversary ANFA Conference. La Jolla, CA: ANFA (Sept. 13-16, 2023).
Bermudez, Julio & Yoshio Nakamura. “Can We Use Empirical Means to Understand Sacred Architecture? A Neurophenomenological Approach.” Abstract and presentation at the 13th Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Symposium. New York City (June 1-4, 2023) – BEST PRESENTATION AWARD. URL: Paper available here. The VIDEO of the presentation is on YouTube.
Bermudez, Julio. “Emplacing Spiritual Practices through Architecture,” 2A – Architecture and Art Magazine 25 (2020): 70-75. See article here.
“Büro, Park oder Zuhause: Wo wir am besten denken und arbeiten können,” article by Christoph Eisenschink in German CQ magazine (March 14, 2020).
Beaudoin, Tom. “Containing Nothing: Practical Theology and the Pantheon in Rome: Work in Progress.” Paper presented at the International Academy of Practical Theology, Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo, Brazil, Apr 6, 2019.
Barrie, Thomas and Julio Bermudez. “Spirituality and Architecture,” in The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality and Society and the Professions, edited by Laszlo Zsolnai and Bernadette Flanagan, 345-355. New York: Routledge, 2019. An excerpt of the chapter is available here.
Bermudez, J; Krizaj, D., Lipschitz, D.L.., Bueler, C.E.,R ogowska, J., Yurgelun-Todd, D., & Nakamura, Y. (2017). Externally-induced meditative states: an exploratory fMRI study of architects’ responses to contemplative architecture. Frontiers of Architectural Research 6(2), 123-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2017.02.002
Bermudez, Julio. (forthcoming) Interview, part of the video series on the future of architectural education and research in South American university settings hosted by Dr. Miguel Rodriguez at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina (February 26, 2025)
Bermudez, Julio. Interview for the Podcast Series (Season III) Visually Sacred: Conversations on the Power of Images, hosted by Arthur Aghajanian, at Image and Faith, California (December 4, 2024)
Niermann, Matthew. Podcast Interview "Re-Enchanting Church Spaces" Making Space Podcast, Barna Research Group (May 8, 2024).
Series of three short Videos that are part of a large project called "Beauty at Work" led by Associate Professor Brandon Vaidyanathan at the Catholic University of America and supported by the Templeton Religion Trust (March 2024).
Video 1: "Why Beauty Matters in Architecture,"URL: https://youtu.be/n1M9RSVMlvg?si=3Kje73pZQ75ED0sw
Video 2: "Beauty vs. Aesthetics," URL: https://youtu.be/US-iHasiVK0?si=xacG04bpUSw4J47u
Video 3: "Why Do We Neglect Beauty?" URL: https://youtu.be/MgpflB4dHZM?si=FRielP2RP1h16R2i
Research work featured in th article "La Belleza Reprograma Nuestro Cerebro Hacia Dios," por Bill Brandivino, en La Antorcha No.4 (Diciembre 2023): 117-119. URL: https://www.acdp.es/wp-content/uploads/4-Revista-La-Antorcha-Salud-Mental.pdf y https://www.eldebate.com/religion/20231229/neuropsicologia-arte-sacro-tres-estudios-muestran-como-belleza-reprograma-cerebro-hacia-dios_161984.html#disqus_thread_box
("La Antorcha" is a magazine published by the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (ACdP) in Spain)
Entrevista al Dr. Arquitecto Julio Bermudez por Elisabet Silvestre, en Blog GEA (21 Marzo 2023):6-8. URL: https://www.geobiologia.org/es/entrevista-a-dr.-arquitecto-julio-bermudez/blog/50
Bermudez, Julio; interviewed in Connecticut Public Radio’s The Colin McEnroe Show, Program “Architecture vs. humans. Why do architects sometimes design buildings that make people feel bad?” (Nov 8, 2021)
Bermudez, Julio. Interview by Dr. Jem Sullivan: “Echoing Faith Today with Dr. Julio Bermudez,” in Podcast Series “Echoing Faith Today," The School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America (Februrary 12, 2021). Link to the podcast.